Free Trial

Free Trial
Explore and discover what DDF has to offer with a free trial!
Downtown Dance Factory welcomes new and existing students to try our classes. Brand new to DDF? Try a class to see what we’re all about. Taking a class already but interested in adding something new? Let us know and you can try it out.
Let’s set up your trial.
Please fill out the form below, including your child’s name and age, and our team will be in touch.
Timing Trials run from September through early Spring. Trials are paused during the immediate lead-up to our annual recitals in the spring, as well as during the summer. Trials in our TutuTots classes are always available.
Availability We can only hold trials in classes with spaces available. If a class becomes fully enrolled before your trial date, we will contact you to schedule a trial in a different class.
Uniform Requirement For Trials All classes have uniforms, but for a trial, dancers should dress in something comfortable for dancing.